Derby Hopes Bidding Process Will Cut Trash Costs

DERBY – The city’s garbage and recycling contract is now out for bid, Mayor Joseph DiMartino said.

Last month Mayor DiMartino said sanitation and recycling pickup costs had increased $54,000 per month starting in July 2023. He said the increased cost took his administration by surprise.

Mayor DiMartino blamed former Mayor Rich Dziekan’s administration for not putting the contract out to bid. Former Mayor Dziekan blamed the Democrats on the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen for stonewalling the process.

Mayor DiMartino said the monthly costs went from $107,973 to $162,094 per month.

A spokesperson from WIN Waste Innovations, the city’s trash company, sent The Valley Indy an email in January saying the company is willing to work with Derby, but noted prices are up everywhere. The company also said that former Mayor Dziekan signed a month-to-month agreement with the company.

Mayor DiMartino told Alders at a meeting Feb. 5 that the contract is now out to competitive bid, a move the city hopes will bring down costs.

The bids are due in Derby City Hall on March 1.

“So hopefully we will get that situation under control very shortly and straighten out that issue,” Mayor DiMartino said.

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