Derby RTC Endorses Gray For Treasurer

Mayor Rich Dziekan, Candidate for State Treasurer Thad Gray, DRTC Chairman Sam Pollastro, and BOA Chairman Charlie Sampson

Republican candidate for state Treasurer Thad Gray last Wednesday received the endorsement of the Derby Republican Town Committee.

“Thad Gray represents what Connecticut needs in its next administration – bold leaders with experience and common sense,” said Sam Pollastro, chairman of the Derby RTC. ​“Thad Gray’s 30-year career is in managing money, not politics, which why he is the most qualified person to manage millions of our tax dollars in a generation. He will hit the ground running and help our next Republican governor turn our economy around.” 

Derby Republicans are coming off a victorious 2017 campaign when Richard Dziekan recaptured City Hall and was elected the town’s 31st mayor.

“It’s an honor to win the trust of Derby Republicans,” said Gray. ​“Derby Republicans know how to win and I hope to learn from their example of talking with – not at – voters.”

For more information about Thad Gray and his campaign for State Treasurer can be found on his website, or on Facebook ThadGray18.

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