Derby Will Start Paying For Sewer Work This Year

In 2014, Derby voters approved spending $31.2 million to repair and upgrade the city’s sewer system. The work includes replacing pipes, and replacing three old pump stations.

On today’s Navel Gazing” podcast, Jack Walsh gives an update on the massive undertaking — which Derby residents/sewer users will start paying for later this year.

Walsh is the chairman of the Derby Water Pollution Control Authority, a citizen oversight group.

The work on two of the three pump stations is done. It cost about $1.8 million, which was within budget.

The design of the third pump station, on Roosevelt Drive near Cemetery Avenue, is currently under review by environmental officials.

Repairs and upgrades to the ailing main sewer plant on Caroline Street are on hold, pending a state-funded study underway to see if some of the sewer plants in the region can be consolidated.

This is a Navel Gazing” episode you may want to archive and pull out later this year when you receive your sewer bill in the mail.

That’s because the average single-family house will see an extra cost of about $250 as Derby begins to pay for the work.

That $250 is in addition to the annual bill, which can run in the neighborhood of $400 per year for single-family houses.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Click play to listen up top or below.

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