Derby WPCA To Host Public Hearing On Sewer Referendum Wednesday, Sept. 3


The Derby Water Pollution Control Authority has scheduled a public hearing on the city’s $30 million sewer repair referendum. 

The issue has the potential to add $257 to a the sewer bill of a single-family house in Derby. 

Click here to read the most recent story from the Valley Indy on the issue.

Also, the city’s Aldermen and Board of Apportionment and Taxation are scheduled to meet Thursday Sept. 4 at 7:30 p.m. to talk about putting the WPCA referendum and the city’s road bond referendum on the November ballot.

Here is the WPCA legal notice on Wednesday’s sewer repair referendum:

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF DERBY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 The Water Pollution Control Authority of the City of Derby, Connecticut, will hold a public hearing in the Joan Williamson Aldermanic Chambers of the City Hall, 1 Elizabeth Street in Derby, Connecticut, on the 3rd day, September, 2014, at 6:30 P.M. to consider the design, construction, installation and equipping of City-wide improvements, additions, renovations and upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant and sanitary sewerage system, contemplated to include, but not limited to: 

Roosevelt Drive Wastewater Pumping Station Upgrades:
Replacement of the existing pumping station on a new site known as 113 – 115 Roosevelt Drive in Derby, adjacent to the current site on Route 34, including the cost of acquisition of such site. The new pumping station will be of cast-in-place concrete construction, equipped with a screen, 3 pumps, a standby generator, and station building for operational purposes. 

Roosevelt Drive Wastewater Pumping Station Forcemain and Sewer Improvements:
Replacement of the existing 12-inch forcemain, which terminates in front of Bridge Street with a 16-inch forcemain that will terminate at the water pollution control facility. The sewer along First Street will be abandoned and the flows re-directed to the Roosevelt Drive Wastewater Pumping Station in the same trench as the forcemain.

Water Pollution Control Facility Phase I Upgrades:
Upgrades to the water pollution control facility to provide an influent screening system, replace the influent pumping equipment, replace the grit removal and processing equipment, replace the digester equipment and covers, implement an odor control system and replace the site electrical and instrumentation systems. 

Water Pollution Control Facility Solids Handling System Upgrades:
Upgrades to the solids handling system at the water pollution control facility including the replacement of the existing solids handling equipment and ancillary support systems required for a complete and integrated system, including an automated sludge conveyor and bin loadout system, replacement of the primary and secondary sludge pumps, installation of primary sludge inline grinders, provision of a new thickened sludge pumping system installation of a new bulk makedown/feed polymer chemical feed system and a new potassium permanganate odor control chemical feed system, structural modifications to the primary and secondary control building to house and support the new equipment, and miscellaneous improvements to the electrical and instrumentation systems.

Route 34 Sewer Improvements:
Replacement of the 18-inch gravity sewers in Route 34 and the interceptor on Caroline Street with 24-inch gravity sewers, and replacement of the sewers on Olivia, Elizabeth, Minerva, Caroline and Water Streets with 8, 12, 15, 18 and 24-inch sewers. This project is anticipated to run concurrently with the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Route 34 improvements project.

South Division Street Wastewater Pumping Station Upgrades:
Upgrades to the existing pumping station to replace the pumps, provide bypass capabilities, standby power systems and replace the electrical and control systems; and provide a precast concrete building to protect the electrical and control systems from damage.

Burtville Avenue Wastewater Pumping Station Upgrades:
Relocation of the existing pumping station off of private property to a site known as 25 Burtville Avenue in Derby, including the cost of acquisition of such site. The new pumping station will be include precast concrete wetwell and valve vault structures, submersible pumps, a standby generator and new electrical and control systems; and a precast concrete building will be provided to protect the electrical and control systems from damage. 

Affected property owners and voters of the City of Derby, Connecticut will be heard at the public hearing concerning the proposed projects.

Dated at Derby, Connecticut this 15 day of August , 2014. John Saccu Chairman Derby Water Pollution Control Authority

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