Seymour Police Department’s K9 Rex & Zoar will receive bullet and stab protective vests thanks to a charitable donation from non-profit organization Vested Interest in K9s, Inc.
K9 Rex’s vest is sponsored by Richard Kearns of RKFMX in Prospect, CT and will be embroidered with the sentiment “Gifted by RKFMX “Guided by Angels””.
K9 Zoar’s vest is sponsored by Robert Kezelevich of the Seymour Senior Citizens and will be embroidered with the sentiment “Gifted by Seymour Senior Citizens”.
Delivery is expected within eight to ten weeks.
Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. is a 501c (3) charity located in East Taunton, MA.
For more information or to learn about volunteer opportunities, please call 508 – 824-6978. Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. provides information, lists events, and accepts tax-deductible donations of any denomination at www.vik9s.org.
“The Seymour Police Department is grateful to Vested Interest in K9s, Inc for providing this valuable piece of equipment to keep our canine’s safe in the performance of their duties.”