Energize Connecticut sent along the following press release regarding an event happening Saturday at the Home Depot in Derby:
WHAT: Residents of Derby are invited to join Mayor Anita Dugatto at the Derby Light Bulb Exchange to learn how to make their homes more energy efficient.
Residents will have the ability to trade in their old incandescent light bulbs for two high-efficiency LEDs. Mayor Dugatto strongly encourages Derby residents to join in on the town-wide initiative endorsing energy efficiency.
One LED light bulb can last up to 25 times longer and uses about 80 percent less electricity than an old-fashioned incandescent. Switching from traditional incandescent light bulbs to LEDs is a simple way to reduce energy use in your home.
Postcards have been mailed out to Derby residents outlining the event. To qualify for the light bulb exchange, participants must present either the mailed postcard or a driver’s license to validate their residential status. Each household will be eligible to receive two LED light bulbs.
Residents can take advantage of a $2 coupon available the day of the event for any ENERGY STAR qualified LED light bulb. During the event, residents can ask any Energize Connecticut team member for further information.
WHEN: Saturday, July 25, 2015
TIME: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
WHERE: Home Depot,117 Main St., Derby