Event To Help Late Derby Woman’s Daughters

Residents in Seymour are planning a fundraiser to help the children of the late Marie Lepri.

Lepri, 43, of Derby, was killed in a head-on car crash on Route 34 June 7 in Derby.

Amber Ospina and Kisha Baker, who live near the Citgo gas station where Lepri worked, are organizing the event to be held Saturday, July 10 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the ​“In & Out Market,” 385 Roosevelt Drive (Route 34) in Seymour.

Ospina is involved because she was once the recipient of the Valley’s kindness.

Ospina’s house burned down in a fire three years ago. Afterward, Seymour residents — most complete strangers to her — began taking collections so her family could recover.

“I was overwhelmed,” she said. ​“People I didn’t know went door-to-door. It was humbling.”

She’s hoping Valley residents rally once again for the Lepri family, a large family with deep local roots.

The organizers of the July 10 event are asking people to donate their returnable bottles and cans, so they can be redeemed. The money will be given to the two Lepri daughters — Arlene, 6 and Falicia, 10.

The children are holding up well in the wake of their mom’s death, said Margaret Lepri, Marie’s sister. Margaret has legal custody of the children, expanding her family to four children.

Margaret said the girls occasionally read their late mom’s Facebook page, which has pictures of the family.

“They’re comforted by that,” Margaret said.

The July 10 fundraiser will also feature a bake sale, hot dogs and other food. Gift cards and monetary donations will be accepted.

The Lepri family, along with Ospina, are also hoping the event will raise awareness about Route 34.

“Too many people speed on that road,” Lepri said.

Ospina said accidents are constantly happening on the road — particularly the stretch from the Derby-Shelton bridge all the way to the Stevenson Dam.

There have been at least four car crashes on that road since Lepri’s death — including an accident this week where a car flipped on its side very close to the spot where Lepri died. 

Luckily, there were no injuries in that most recent crash.

Margaret Lepri said Derby police are still investigating the crash that took her sister’s life.

Route 34 — a road that eventually connects the Valley with Interstate 84 — passes through Derby, Seymour and Oxford.

Ospina said not only are more police speed traps needed on the road — ​“We need some stop lights on that road. Slow people down. Enough already,” she said.

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