FEMA In The Valley To Talk Hurricane Assistance

FEMA reps were in Shelton and Oxford this week, spreading the word about federal disaster aid available after Hurricane Irene.

Clifton Burse, a community relations specialist from FEMA, said he was visiting homes and businesses to hand out fliers with information about the assistance.

He spent Friday afternoon going to different businesses on Route 67 in Oxford.

Residents in any town who had storm damage should register their information with FEMA to prompt a review of the damage, Burse said.

In some cases, FEMA could then send a representative to the property to assess the damage, Burse said.

Residents and homeowners could receive help in the form of low-interest loans or grants, according to the flier Burse distributed.

Article continues after document.

Fema Flyer

The nature of our visit is to get the word around to the people who have been affected by the storm,” Burse said Friday. To make sure they register to get some sort of assistance here.”

Anyone who had damages — from flooding to trees down — should register with FEMA, Burse said.

Burse said he has also visited sites in Shelton, including the Maples neighborhood, which was under water during much of the storm. He is also visiting sites in Southbury.

We’ve been all over,” Burse said. We’ve talked to the mayors, first selectmen, libraries. We’ve pretty much tried to cover as much area as possible.”

Shelton released a statement about the FEMA assistance, saying Mayor Mark Lauretti met with representatives Friday and would have informational fliers available in city hall, the police department and the community center.

FEMA has also opened disaster recovery centers around the state. Click here for more information.


To register storm damage with FEMA, call 1 – 800-621‑3362 or visit www.disasterassistance.gov.

You’ll be asked for:

  • Phone number
  • Social security number
  • Mailing address
  • Address of damage
  • Type of damage
  • Insurance information

You’ll get an application ID to use when communicating with FEMA.

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