Five Fire Departments Battle Blaze At Contaminated Site In Ansonia

Photo Courtesy of Assistant Chief DeLucia

The scene on Liberty Street in Ansonia.

ANSONIA – The Ansonia Fire Marshal is investigating the cause and origin of a multi-alarm blaze at the former Ansonia Copper and Brass property at 75 Liberty St.

No injuries were reported.

The Ansonia Fire Department responded to a call from a neighbor who noticed the fire at around 4:50 p.m. Friday (Feb. 2). When the first units arrived on the scene, flames were billowing out of three windows. Soon after firefighters arrived on scene, the roof collapsed.

Fire departments in Derby, Seymour, Shelton, and Orange also responded.

Neighbors said they saw two people enter the building. Firefighters pronounced the building clear without finding anyone inside, according to Ansonia Fire Department Assistant Chief Anthony DeLucia.

We hit it hard with a bunch of big lines, and everybody worked great together, our mutual aid partners were great,” DeLucia said.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) was called to the building, which used to be considered one of the most contaminated sites on the former Ansonia Copper & Brass property. The city received a grant in December to conduct an environmental assessment of the building.

City officials were present at the fire, including Mayor David Cassetti. 

The Ansonia Police Department is assisting the fire marshal with the investigation.

John Marini, the city’s corporation counsel, said the fire was evidence that the city should take the property over (the city is currently in the process of foreclosing on it). 

Sheila O’Malley, director of economic development, added that there used to be a chemical lab in the basement of the building, which was responsible for much of its contamination. She said most of the asbestos had been cleared in recent years.

DeLucia said he wasn’t surprised a fire broke out here.

We knew this would happen someday,” he said. The troops did a great job.”

Further details regarding the cause, and DEEP’s assessment, were not available as of 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2. 

Photo Courtesy of Assistant Chief DeLucia

The scene on Liberty Street in Ansonia.

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