Several years ago, Small Business Saturday was created to promote shopping at local small businesses across the country.
In an editorial I wrote at that time, I noted it was encouraging to see one day devoted to local entrepreneurs, but it was important to remember that small businesses are the life-blood of our local economy and they are open for business year round.
That is why Iam so proud to joinin the formation of a new effort titledCelebrate Shelton, created by two local small business owners, Nicole Heriot Mikula and Mike Skrtic,with support from the City of Shelton, the Shelton Economic Development Corporation,and the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Celebrate Shelton will present three events to highlight small businessesin Shelton: Downtown Handmade Market, Small Business “Crawl”, and a Community Tree Lighting.
The Downtown Handmade Market is a five-date vendor festival held at the Conti Building at 415 Howe Ave., Shelton.
Please join us for a Black Friday Kick-Off celebration on Friday, Nov. 28 starting at 6 p.m. with live music, handmade artisan vendors, and hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are $5 at the door (kids 14 & under arefree to enter).
The market continues on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 29 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Dec. 6, 13 and 20 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admissionon those datesis free.
The Small Business “Crawl” is a comprehensive glossy magazine that includes special offers from small businessesin our area. With 150 locations in Sheltondistributing the magazine, I hope you will pick one up today and share it with a friend.
The Community Tree Lighting sponsored by Webster Bank, Valley Community Foundation and Center Stage will be taking place on Saturday, Dec. 6 at 5:30 p.m. at the Veteran’s Memorial Park in downtown Shelton.
There will be carolingwith Center Stage, hot cocoa and sweets by the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley — and Santa Claus has confirmed his attendance! Children are encouraged to create their own handmade ornaments to decorate the tree with their families.
I commend thetwoorganizers for putting these activities together, centered around small businesses in our community during this holiday season.
Please Celebrate Shelton by visitingwww.CelebrateShelton.comand joining in these events. It is my hope that this can become a year-long effort.
The writer is a Shelton resident who is also a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission.