Guest Column: Don’t Give Real Bunnies For Easter

FILESoon Easter will be upon us and many parents are tempted, or begged, to buy one of those cute baby Easter bunnies that appear in all the pet stores.

Unfortunately many who buy these rabbits as novelty gifts do not know anything about the animal.

Rabbits are fragile. If they are dropped accidentally, or not properly picked up, they can paralyze themselves with one wrong move. Yes, baby bunnies are adorable, but they will, and do quickly, grow up and get bigger.

Rabbits can live 10+ years, and are social animals that thrive on daily interaction, and do require veterinary care just like a cat or dog. Hundreds of rabbits after Easter get surrendered to shelters, neglected in a hutch outside, or cruelly dumped somewhere outside left to fend for themselves; which in reality the rabbit will end up killed, or injured, not living freely.”

I have two rabbits myself, and help rescue animals in need, so I know firsthand rabbits make great companions, provided you accept them on their own terms. They need a safe and loving environment in your home – not in an wire hutch outdoors.

Please, this Easter instead of buying a real rabbit, a 10+ year commitment, as a gift for a child, opt for the 10 minute commitment – a chocolate candy bunny or stuffed toy rabbit. These animals are not toys. Thank you! 

The writer is a Shelton resident.

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