Halloween Fun At Bishop Wicke

What makes life so much fun for residents living at Bishop Wicke Health and Rehabilitation Center? 

The fabulous staff, of course, who not only care for each resident by attending to their daily needs, but also by providing meaningful activities and events that put a smile on their face.

Staff from multiple departments at the nursing and rehabilitation center donned their costumes and provided residents with their choice of hats, feather boas, gloves, masks, wigs, and other outfits in preparation for a community Halloween parade last week. 

The parade, led by Activities Director, Mary Barbin and resident, Barbara Charles, wrapped around the newly renovated nursing pavilions and was followed by teams of staff and residents all dressed in silly, scary, and spooky costumes of all kinds, with monster music trailing with them all along the way. 

The highlight of the event was the grand appearance of the Peanuts Gang,” a group of nursing staff dressed as the classic Charlie Brown characters. 

The group created giant handmade paper mache masks to impress the residents, gathering at the home of a co-worker after their regular shifts were over, in order to work on the project.

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