Happy Birthday Storms Of Derby

Storms’ Facebook page

A 1950 article from The Evening Sentinel.

DERBY — A belated happy birthday to the Storm Engine Co., which turned 70 years old on Jan. 7.

Last week the Storms posted an Evening Sentinel story from 1950 on the company’s Facebook page. Click here to check it out.

The article reviewed the Storms’ first active year, even naming the first patient — the late James J. Reilly, who was taken from Main Street to Griffin Hospital on the ambulance’s first day.

The ambulance responded to 435 calls its first year on the road — including a call during which members saved a baby’s life by administering oxygen, a new mobile technique in those days.

The early crew included:

Edward J. Cotter Jr.

Richard T. Kiely

Franklin Crowley

Henry Healey Jr.

Arthur Carroll

Joseph Riordan

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