Now is your chance to get Derby Storm Engine Co.‘s new truck into the pages of a national calendar.
The new “Engine 12” pumper truck was delivered last month. It’s a creation of Pierce Manufacturing and features an Arrow XT chassis and a 450 horse power Detroit Diesel DD13 engine.
I don’t really know what any of that means, but I know if you click this link you can cast a vote to help the Storms get their new pumper into a calendar published by Pierce.
Click here to vote — but keep in mind the deadline is APRIL 30.
So vote.
Hey, I said vote.
The new pumper is dedicated to the memory of Joseph Riordan, a past chief driver for the Storms. Riordan passed away five years ago.
“This is the first new piece of apparatus since WWII that the Storm Engine Company has received that Joe was not a part of,” according to a post on the Storms’ Facebook page.
“The decal “Hell on Wheels” is the patch of the 2nd Armored Division, where Joe served as a Staff Sergeant during WWII.”
The Storms welcomed Riordan’s daughter, Patricia, to the company earlier this month to show her the pumper truck dedicated to her father.
“This is just a small way to remember Joe for all he has done for the Storms,” they said.