Help Shelton Firefighters Raise Money For Cancer Research



A photo from a 2013 St. Baldrick's fundraiser in Shelton.

Shelton firefighters have raised more than $20,000 in the past two years to benefit childhood cancer research, and are asking for the community’s help to make this year’s fundraiser a success.

Huntington Fire Co. #3 is hosting a St. Baldrick’s fundraiser July 26 beginning at 2 p.m. in Hirshbeck’s Sports Bar and Grille, 882 Bridgeport Ave.

Click here to visit the donation page.

At the events, volunteers get their heads shaved to show solidarity for kids undergoing treatment for cancer and raise money for childhood cancer research.

The organization began in 2000 when a group of reinsurance executives turned a St. Patrick’s Day party into a head-shaving fundraiser and raised over $104,000.

The group now awards more childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the U.S. government.

Mark Starzecki, a Shelton firefighter coordinating the event, said planners are still looking for volunteers willing to have their heads shaved, as well as raffle prize donations from local businesses.

Monetary donations are welcome, as well.

Starzecki can be reached at 203 – 513-0300 or via email.

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