Lauretti Raised Twice As Much As Jones In Shelton

Mayor Mark Lauretti had raised almost double amount of money than his challenger, Chris Jones, according to campaign finance reports filed with Shelton Town Clerk.

Lauretti had raised $19,035 between July 1 and Sept. 30, according to the filing, which is the most recent available.

Jones had raised $9,920 as of Sept. 30. He started fundraising in June, according to the filing.

Candidates are required to file reports outlining who has donated to their campaign and where the campaigns are spending the money.

The same reports from 2009 showed the opposite story — in October 2009, Jones had raised twice as much as Lauretti.

The money hasn’t come in as much as it did two years ago,” Jones said last week, before the report was filed. I’ll probably have half the money I had last year. I’m not going to deny that.”

The Jones campaign has held fundraisers like a ladies night at a salon, where participants are asked to pay $20 to $25, Jones said.

I don’t like asking people for money,” Jones said. I’ve reached out to my family and my close friends, and my other contributors who have given over the years. And I haven’t reached out much farther than that. Because times are tough.”

Lauretti didn’t return a call seeking comment Thursday. Last year he told the Valley Independent Sentinel that his fundraising heats up closer to the campaign.

Biggest Donations

Jones’ biggest donor is Ralph Matto, the owner of BJB Rentals and a Democratic candidate for second-ward alderman. Matto gave $1,000 to the campaign.

Lauretti’s biggest donor so far is the city’s Director of Emergency Management, John Millo, who gave $550.

Lauretti also received about $850 combined from different attorneys working for Welch, Teodosio, Stanek & Blake, the law firm that represents the city.

Attorneys from that firm also donated to Democrat Paul Roy’s re-election bid in Seymour.

Notable donors for Lauretti’s campaign include:

  • Thomas D’Addario, an auto dealer in Shelton
  • Town Clerk Margaret Domorod
  • State reps Lawrence Miller and Jason Perillo
  • Stephen Bellis, an attorney who deals with a lot of land use proposals in the Valley
  • Shelton Police Chief Joel Hurliman

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Other notable donors for Jones include:

  • Michele Bialek, the owner of Liquid Lunch
  • Steve Blanchette, the vice president for sales at Blanchette’s Sporting Goods in Shelton
  • Darleen Tickey, principal of Sunnyside School in Shelton

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Jones Finance

Both candidates had donations from Shelton teachers, and from other members of their parties running for offices on the Board of Aldermen, Board of Education and Planning and Zoning Commission.


Lauretti’s campaign held two fundraisers during the filing period — both cocktail parties at Lauretti’s home.

He spent about $3,300 on the two fundraisers — including about $90 on cigars for the second one.

FILEJones has held a a kickoff cocktail party at Danny O’s, a family picnic at Holy Ghost Park in Shelton, and a fundraiser called Women for Chris” at Liquid Lunch.

Jones spent about $596 on the three fundraisers, which includes park rental fees.

For the Liquid Lunch fundraiser, he received a $70 donation of beauty supplies from Sona Bella Salon.

Under Tickets

The Shelton Republican and Democratic town committees did their own fundraising for the under tickets.

Between July 1 and Sept. 30, the Democratic Town Committee raised $5,702.42. The committee had $9,323.04 on hand at the beginning of the reporting period, for a total of $15,025.46.

During that time, the Democratic Town Committee spent $3,213.84 — on items such as advertisements, and on printing lawn signs and fliers.

The Republican Town Committee raised $2,255 between July 1 and Sept. 30. The committee had $13,591.88 on hand at the beginning of the reporting period, for a total of $15,849.88.

The Republican Town Committee spent $4,471.80 on a fundraiser, printing and signs costs.

Candidate Committees

Three aldermen candidates also have fundraising committees.

Republicans Stanley Kudej and Eric McPherson, in the second ward, set up a joint committee to raise money for the campaign.

Between July 1 and Sept. 30, they raised $3,820. They spent $559.83 on items like postage and printing costs.

First Ward alderman John Jack” Finn also has his own fundraising committee — Friends of John Jack” Finn.

Overall, Finn has raised $3,105. During the last reporting period, Finn took in $225 — which was payments from the Democratic Town Committee and Chris Jones For Shelton to reimburse for printing costs.

Finn has spent $942.14, mostly on printing and mailing costs.

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