Leadership Matters, Seymour’s Len Greene Jr. Says

In two years the Town of Seymour has seen a tremendous amount of growth and progress as a direct result of the policies implemented by Kurt Miller and his team.

Properties that had remained empty for years are now being filled. Eyesores and embarrassing problems are being addressed, most notably the cleanup and redevelopment of the burnt husk that was once the Housatonic Wire Factory.

We are on better financial footing than we’ve been since before the recession hit, primarily due to the strategic planning employed by the Miller administration.

Roads will be resurfaced throughout the town over the next five years without a costly tax increase because the administration listened to the people of Seymour and responded to their need for a stronger infrastructure. These are simple facts. All you have to do to see the progress is take a ride downtown and you’ll see the development of the Tingue Dam Fish Bypass or the redevelopment of the abandoned Sweets-N-Eats property.

Unfortunately there has been a great deal of talk regarding a supposed lack of progress.

Election Day is only days away, which means the desperate begin to say just about anything to garner votes.

Before you cast your ballot on Tuesday, take a moment to reflect on what the candidates have actually said.

Many have proclaimed the need to ​“balance the boards” or do things differently, but none of these candidates have brought forth any actual ideas on how to make our town better. Vague references to their priorities simply won’t cut it.

We all want to improve our town and bring more business here. We all want to see better schools and less crime. We all want lower taxes and better services. Leaders need to provide clear priorities and offer a real vision on how to accomplish this.

Thankfully we have a First Selectman who has done this for the past two years, and a team of candidates who not only share his vision but have actual ideas to make it better. Ideas such as the implementation of data-driven performance management continue with our strategic financial planning, and the tactical use of our resources to improve our town’s roads.

These are legitimate ideas that have come from our team. Seymour is better today than it was two years ago, and with our team of candidates, it will be better tomorrow than it is today.

Vote for Kurt Miller, Nicole Klarides-Ditria, Annmarie Drugonis, Al Bruno, and Len Greene.

Leadership matters.

The writer is running for the Seymour Board of Aldermen on the Republican line.

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