Photo: Eugene Driscoll
Police inspect the victim’s car on Anson Street Monday.
A 28-year-old man was shot during a dispute on Anson Street Monday.
The shooting happened about 6 p.m. The victim, who was not identified, was in surgery at Yale-New Haven Hospital as of 7:50 p.m.
UPDATE: The victim was out of surgery and in stable condition as of 9:30 p.m. Monday.
According to Derby Police Lt. Justin Stanko, the dispute started near Fifth Street.
“We have one gunshot wound to the midsection. He’s at Yale right now. We have a detective up there now,” Stanko said at the scene.
Police were still trying to piece together what happened. The man was driving a four-door Chevrolet sedan on Anson Street heading toward Fifth Street.
“There was some type of argument either in or near the car,” Stanko said.
After the man was shot, he walked up the street, past Lafayette Street, and either called or had someone call 911 from an apartment near the corner of Anson and Sixth.
Police closed off the area, and were investigating the man’s vehicle, which came to a stop in a crosswalk at Anson and Fifth, as seen in the photo at the top of this story.
A Seymour police dog was on the scene searching alleys and streets as well.
A number of officers talked to people on the sidewalks, telling them anyone with information could remain anonymous.
Cops also looked in catch basins and trash cans along the road.
More information will be posted when it becomes available.
Anyone with information should contact Derby police at (203) 735‑7811. Information can be left without giving a name.