Mayor Lauretti Criticizes United Illuminating’s Response

FILE PHOTOIn an interview Wednesday morning on WICC, Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti said communication with United Illuminating has been terrible.

This lack of communication is just unacceptable,” Lauretti told WICC news director Mike Bellamy.

About 7,200 UI customers in Shelton do not have electricity. That is about 41 percent of all UI customers in Shelton.

The percentage has not dropped significantly since Monday night.

Lauretti said he has been trying to give the utility company the benefit of the doubt, but the lack of progress — or an explanation — has left him frustrated.

The city has extended the hours at its transfer station so that residents can get rid of tree branches and brush dumped by Hurricane Irene. The city started giving out bottled water, ready-to-eat meals and a limited amount of ice at the Shelton Community Center Tuesday night. The same thing was scheduled to happen Wednesday morning.

We’re also making outlets available for the recharging of cell phones and computers. We’re doing the things that we can do that are within our power, but as far as getting the actual power turned back on, we are very limited,” Lauretti said.

Lauretti said he’ll look into why the number of residents without power in Shelton has not decreased in days.

For the last couple of days I’ve tried to give them (United Illuminating) the benefit of the doubt, understanding that they’ve been dealing with some monumental problems. But this lack of communication is just unacceptable and I’m going to have to chase this thing,” he said.

WICC is 600 AM.

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