Mayor Zeke To Appear At Twisted Vine For Boys & Girls Club Fundraiser

Derby Mayor Richard Dzieken will be at Twisted Vine Tuesday evening (Jan. 22) to raise money for the Boys & Girls Club.

Twisted Vine is at 285 Main St. in Derby.

Mayor Dziekan will be guest bartending, so his tips and 10 percent of each bill will go toward the Boys & Girls Club.

In addition, I’m going to attempt to record a Navel Gazing” podcast (a hyperlocal talk show) during Dziekan’s appearance.

I hope to conduct a few interviews with whoever grabs the microphone. This is the first time I’m taking the Valley Indy podcast on the road — hopefully it works.

Dziekan will be at Twisted Vine from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

If you have trouble finding a place to park, keep in mind there’s a parking garage very close by on Thompson Place.

Dziekan has been doing these guest appearances since he took office in late 2017 as a way to raise money for nonprofits and raise awareness for Derby businesses. 

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