Please click on link below to access information on the upcoming Connecticut Presidential Preference Primary for both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party on Tuesday April 26, 2016 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voting will be held at Bradley School and Irving School.
Click here for Derby election information.
Please remember that you must be registered with a Party in order to vote in the Presidential Preference Primary.
The PPP eligibility deadline to register to vote online is Thursday April 21, 2016: here is the link.
The PPP eligibility deadline to register to vote by mailing in your registration card is Thursday April 21, 2016: here is the link to print out a card.
The PPP eligibility deadline to register to vote in person at the Office of the Registrar of Voters at Derby City Hall is 12:00 noon on Monday April 25, 2016.
Here is the link to print out the card.
Any question may be addressed to either the Registrars of Voters at 203.736.1454 or via email at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Louise Pitney is the Democratic Registrar of Voters and Ernestine Gaudio is the Republican Registrar of Voters.
Or by calling or emailing:
Marc J. Garofalo, MPA
Town / City Clerk
City of Derby
(203) 736‑1462