New Supervisor At Derby WPCA

Mayor Dziekan, left, with Edward Abel.

Mayor Richard Dziekan announced that Edward Abel has been appointed as Acting Supervisor of the Derby Water Pollution Control Authority following the resignation of Lindsay King who had served the Authority for 23 years. 

King took a job in Milford, according to November meeting minutes from the WPCA.

Lindsay had an outstanding opportunity for advancement that was good for him and his family. We thank him for his leadership and years of service to Derby and wish him well in his new position.”, according to a statement attributed to Dziekan.

Abel has been managing the laboratory at the plant, and will be stepping into the Acting Supervisor position. 

WPCA chairman Jack Walsh said that the Authority was very fortunate to have Abel take on the Acting Supervisor position.

In the short time that Edd has been in the position, he has transformed the lab making it more efficient and saving us thousands of dollars based on the new practices that he has put in place,” Walsh said. We’re grateful for the years of service that Lindsay provided and excited about the skills that Edd brings to us during a period of major challenges and opportunities for WPCA.”

Abel came to Derby after seven years in Milford and Stamford where he steadily rose through the ranks including earning a Class III Operator license which is required to run the Derby plant.

Derby WPCA is in the midst of major changes prompted by the passage of a $31.2 million dollar referendum in 2014 to upgrade the Derby plant and system. To date, the Authority has completed new pump stations at South Division Street and Burtvillie and is in the midst of building a new station on Roosevelt Drive that will be completed by June of next year. 

It has also been working on an ongoing plan to reduce water infiltration to the system by repairing and replacing pipe in the system. A major part of that work is involved in the upcoming reconstruction of Main Street.

The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments is also about half way through a regional study that could have a major impact on the future of the plant on Caroline Street.

Abel is being paid $92,000, according to meeting minutes.

Information from the City of Derby website.

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