A gas leak briefly stopped work Monday at the new Farrel Pomini headquarters under construction at Ansonia’s Fountain Lake industrial park.
Ansonia Assistant Fire Chief Michael Eheman said construction workers from the Regional Water Authority accidentally struck a high pressurized gas line while digging through the ground with a backhoe near the intersection of Birmingham Boulevard and Great Hill Road about 9 a.m.
No one was injured, though an ambulance was called to the scene to check out one worker who got something in his eye. The man declined medical treatment.
“We had to shut off all the machinery on site to be safe but there’s no potential danger,” Eheman said at the scene.
Firefighters set up a 150-foot perimeter around the construction site to keep people from the leak.
The nearby new headquarters of the Farrel Pomini company currently under construction was evacuated as a precaution. About 40 workers were there at the time.
Mitch Gross, spokesman for Eversource, said the damaged gas line was 2 inches in diameter.
It was being repaired as of 10 a.m.
“No customers lost service and there were no injuries,” Gross said in an email.