Oxford Cheerleading Camp Set For July

The Oxford High School cheerleading team is proud to present a Fun Cheerleading Camp’ this summer for children entering grades K‑8 in fall 2012.

The camp will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on July 17, 18, and 19 at the high school.

The OHS cheerleaders, who are 4‑time Class S’ state cheerleading champions, will lead sessions for the students and include instruction on common practices as well as a dance and stunting.

We are pleased to be offering this experience,” said Marie Kashuba, OHS varsity Cheer coach. It’s a great opportunity for younger students to learn various cheerleading skills, such as jumps, motions, and cheers.”

Registration is $75 per student, with a sibling rate of $60.00. Early bird campers – those who register before June 18 – will receive a discounted rate of $70 per student.

The price includes a free T‑shirt and hair bow. Refreshments and snacks will be available for purchase, along with raffle tickets for various prizes, during the sessions.

Proceeds will be used to help offset the cost of travel to Cheer Nationals in February 2013.

Please note, campers need to wear shorts, T‑shirts, socks and sneakers. For safety reasons, no jewelry is allowed and hair should be pulled back. 

Registration forms and additional information are available online at http://www.eteamz.com/oxfordhighschoolvarsitycheer/ under OHS Summer Fun Cheer Camp” on the left hand side. Forms can be mailed to: Lady Wolverine Cheerleaders, c/o Marie Kashuba, 313 Chestnut Tree Hill Road, Oxford, CT 06478. For additional information, contact Marie Kashuba at kashuba1@comcast.net or via phone at 203 – 881-8179.

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