Oxford Parks And Recreation Hosts Tenth Trick Or Trunk

On Halloween night, Monday, Oct. 31, Oxford Parks and Recreation will host a fun, safe alternative to the traditional trick or treat, the 10th annual Trick or Trunk.”

Parents should bring their car and their children to Oxford High School by 6 p.m. that night. After parking in the lot, parents should decorate the trunk.

The parents can sit out in lawn chairs and watch their children as they safely trick or treat from car to car, while giving out candy to those visiting their trunk.

There will be prizes for best decorated trunks in various categories. There will be spooky music and refreshments for all. 

This event is open to all Oxford children, up to fifth grade, and their families. The event is free. Each family is asked to bring one carved jack-o-lantern per car to be added to a tower of lit jack-o-lanterns. Familes should be sure there’s a candle in each pumpkin. The candles will be lighted once they are placed on the tower.

There will also be prizes for the best carved jack-o-lanterns. Early arrival is a must because no cars will be allowed to enter or depart the parking lot between 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. All of the front parking lots will be used. No walk-ins will be allowed. All children must be accompanied by an adult, and all adults must be accompanied by their children.

All cars entering the lots must decorate. Be prepared to show proof of residence upon entrance.

There is no rain date for this event. Call the Parks and Rec Hotline number 203 – 888-2543, press 4, then press 1 after 3 p.m. on the day of the event if there’s any question about the possibility of a weather cancellation. There will be a recording to keep residents informed.

Please call the Parks and Recreation Department, 888‑2543, extension 3041, or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for more information. More information is available on the website.

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