Paul Roy Makes The Case For Seymour Democrats

Four years ago, I was elected First Selectman of the Town of Seymour. The two years that I served in that capacity and the prior four years that I served on the Board of Selectmen, were among the most rewarding of my life. 

The privilege of public service is something that I always hoped would happen.

During my administration we accomplished many things, Among those were paving lower Derby Avenue, Chamberlain Road and Brothers Court, hiring an Economic Development Director, securing funding through Connecticut’s DECD for the owner of Housatonic Wire to clean the burned out factory, purchasing new equipment for the Public Works Department, Police Department and Fire Department, saving the Town thousands of dollars through refinancing and helping to move along the Tingue Falls by pass project.

I would like to have a chance to serve the Town of Seymour once more as member of the Board of Selectman. My experience can only help to move Seymour forward.

To accomplish this, I am asking the electors of Seymour to support myself and other Democrats seeking election. 

By electing Democrats, the Town can Balance the Boards” to ensure both parties are heard on the issues. We need more than minority representation on the Boards to keep Seymour fresh with new ideas.

Seymour has a tremendous opportunity to elect some outstanding people to serve the Town. The only way that this can happen is to vote for more than minority representation on the Boards. 

Balance the Boards” by supporting Seymour Democratic Party candidates.

The writer is running on the Democratic line for a seat on the Seymour Board of Selectmen.

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