Hey Derby sewer users – want to hear about why you’re being asked to fund $31.24 million in repairs and upgrades to the city’s sewer system?
Come to a public forum tonight (Wednesday, Oct 22) at Derby Middle School.
Engineers and members of the Water Pollution Control Authority will discuss the need for repairs.
The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m.
The sewer initiative is on the ballot for Nov. 4.
Approving the sewer referendum could tack on an additional $257 to the sewer bill for the typical single-family sewer user.
A typical two-family property could see a sewer bill increase by $514.
But members of the city’s Water Pollution Control Authority and city engineers said the increases will be worse if the city continues to neglect its sewer infrastructure needs, something current city officials say has been done for too long.
The middle school is at 8 Nutmeg Avenue.