Q & A: Shelton’s Magic Man


There’s magic happening right here in the Valley — in the tricky hands of Shelton’s Bryan Lizotte.

Lizotte has been a full-time magician since 1991.

He recently chatted with the Valley Indy about his rabbit, magic and getting gigs.

Valley Independent: Do little kids want you to hold your breath underwater for days at a time like David Blaine? 

Bryan Lizotte: Actually, no. A lot of people realize that is not magic. I never had children or adults ask me to do something like that.

Valley Independent: How does one become a magician?

Bryan Lizotte: Basically, you have to have some interest in magic. You learn from friends who are magicians. It takes a lot of practice. I had a teacher for a while. I was introduced to a magic club and the magicians there shared tricks and guided your interest.

Valley Independent: Have Penn and Teller hurt magic?

Bryan Lizotte: No, they haven’t. I think they influenced the interest of people. They present things in a comedic way of exposing magic but half the time they don’t expose it all.

Valley Independent: Do you have a rabbit?

Bryan Lizotte: Yep.

Valley Independent: Who are your influences?

Bryan Lizotte: My main influence was Chet Karkut. He was a police detective in Shelton many years and also a magician. When I was 12 my father took me to a magic show and he was the magician. 

Valley Independent: Do you have to work a day job?

Bryan Lizotte: No, I don’t work another day job because magic is my day job.

Valley Independent: How do you get gigs?

Bryan Lizotte: Well, most work is by word-of-mouth, but I also do local advertising. I do a magic show in Bridgeport at the Sound Tigers hockey games. It gives me more exposure. People see me and hire me for shows.

Valley Independent: Do you pull the rabbit out of a hat?

Bryan Lizotte: All the time.

Valley Independent: Has the recession hurt business?

Bryan Lizotte: Definitely. Magic is a novelty — a luxury. A lot of companies either cut out parties or entertainment. It has been a slow year for entertainers.

Valley Independent: What’s your rabbit’s name?

Bryan Lizotte: Cinnamon.

To find out where Lizotte will be performing, go to his website at http://www.bryanlizotte.com. Lizotte can also be reached at 203 – 924-9532 or 1 – 866-31-Magic.

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