Rell Responds To Critics

Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell dismissed her critics Tuesday saying her administration has done everything it can to secure federal stimulus funds.

We’ve certainly tried to apply for everything that’s available,” Rell said Tuesday outside Keigwin Middle School in Middletown.

She said there’s a lot of misinformation out there about what Connecticut is doing in trying to secure these funds.

For example the Connecticut Coalition for Achievement Now put out a press release Monday pointing out that the state left 120 questions on its application for federal school reform funding blank.

It’s as if Connecticut were a high school student applying to college with a transcript full of incompletes,” Alex Johnston, ConnCAN’s CEO, said in a press release criticizing the state’s application.

Rell said state officials speak with officials in Washington D.C. before submitting their applications. The state was told if you can’t put in a baseline there — they tell every state the same thing — then leave it blank,” Rell said.

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