More than 50 marching units and floats including eight drum corps and marching bands have registered for the 41st annual Seymour Christmas Parade which will move out at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 24 from the formation grounds on Broad and Pine streets.
Sure to put on a good show for the chilled spectators along the parade route is a first time unit – Marching Cobras of New York. Seymour Tradition travel softball program will return for the third time and have promised a holiday spectacular including their “traditional” bead tossing.
The line of march will include brownie and girl scout troops from the valley, firefighters from several companies, cub scouts, and other youth and adult organizations as well as a sprinkling of costumed characters.
The parade will conclude with a float from the vicinity of the North Pole, with Santa Claus issuing greetings to children of all ages.
“Each year the Seymour Christmas Parade Association selects a person to lead the parade who has made an outstanding contribution to the quality of life in our community,” said Robert Lang, association president.
The group chose Mary Deming as this year’s grand marshal. Deming is the president of Seymour Pink, and has led the grass roots organization as it has raised over $150,000 in the battle against breast cancer.
“Mary has begun something which has taken on a life of its own and continues to fight as long as necessary.” commented Lang.
The parade will follow a line of march from Broad Street to Main Street, then east on Route 67 and turning into Spruce Street where it will disband at the entrance to French Memorial Park.
Preceding the parade at 1:40 will be a performance of “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” by the Rita Tottenham Studios at the reviewing stand at the corner of Main and Bank streets.
The Christmas Parade is the legacy of the late Hermann Mackenstein, a vocational education teacher at Seymour High School when he organized the parade in 1971.
In case of inclement weather, the parade will be postponed to next day, Sunday Nov. 25.
For additional information, call Robert Lang at 203 – 888-6268.