During his “First Selectman’s Update,” Miller said he’s had several recent meetings with respect to activity at several sites, including the new “Henny Penny” store at New Haven Road and Day Street, along with the former Seymour Lumber property, a development parcel behind the Stop and Shop on Franklin Street, and the former LoPresti School on Maple Street.
Click the play button on the video, recorded by Frank Loda, a private citizen, to see Miller’s remarks, which begin around the 1:30 mark.
The First Selectman said he met with the owner of the new “Henny Penny” gas station and convenience store being built near the corner of New Haven Road and Day Street, the former site of the Sweets and Eats ice cream store.
He said the store would be open “within the next week or two.”
Click here to read more about the development from a previous story.
Miller said the company’s president, John Hendel, will be submitting an application to participate in Seymour’s tax incentive program to be reviewed by Selectmen at their Jan. 21 meeting.
Miller also said he met recently with Thomas Haynes, of Haynes Construction Company, about plans for a “new retail store to go in behind Stop and Shop.”
Miller said Haynes would be making a presentation at the Planning and Zoning Commission’s next meeting about their plans, and that they plan to open the store in “late March or early April.”
The company has long eyed the site as a good location for development.
The First Selectman also said Tuesday that he had met with a developer who has expressed interest in redeveloping the Seymour Lumber site on Bank Street.
“They showed me two conceptual designs for the property, and assuming some agreements can be reached, they would like to get started with the project as soon as possible,” Miller said, without elaborating.
Miller said he’d give selectmen more updates as they become available.
Also, the town is still in talks with “a potential buyer” for the former LoPresti School on Maple Street, Miller said.
Click here for more information from a previous story.
“We hope to have something for the selectmen to review in the next few weeks,” Miller said.