Seymour Honors Fire Prevention Poster Creators

The Town of Seymour has been participating in the Connecticut Fire Prevention Poster Recognition Program for at least fifteen years.

This is a cooperative effort between the Office of the State Fire Marshal, CT Fire Marshal’s Association, Connecticut Fire Chiefs Association, Connecticut Board of Education, CT DEEP, and the Connecticut Fair Plan representing the Insurance Industry.

This year the Seymour Fire Marshal’s Office selected four winners (two of which will be forwarded to the state program to compete in the New Haven County portion of the contest).

These four students, a fourth and fifth grader from both Chatfield-LoPresti School and Bungay School, were selected as the town winners.

These four students had the opportunity to ride a fire truck to School. This was a joint effort with the Seymour Fire Department and Fire Marshal’s Office.

It is events like this that create lasting memories and will hopefully impress upon the students how important it is to practice fire safety activities.

The press release continues after the photo gallery:

This year’s winners were 5th Grader Sara Kochiss and 4th Grader Louis Zhu of Chatfield-LoPresti Elementary School and 5th Grader Gabriel Sand and 4th Grader Camille Grandy of Bungay Elementary school.

These well deserving recipients received a ride to school along with a parent to their respective schools.

Gabriel Sand and Camille Grandy’s pictures were chosen as the town winners and will be forwarded to the New Haven County competition.

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