Seymour Honors Young Fire Preventers

On Aug. 13, 2014 some children at the Explorers Learning Center in Seymour went for a fun ride in a fire truck with some members of the Seymour Fire Department. 

It was part of a summer fire prevention poster contest at Explorers Learning Center in cooperation with the Seymour Fire Department and Fire Marshal’s Office.

Seymour Fire Marshal Paul Wetowitz organized the contest, which put the youngsters’ talents to work.

The children were given the task to design a fire prevention poster that could be displayed at the learning center. The students submitted their best efforts and three winners were chosen.

First place was McKenna Walters. She drew a poster focusing on getting out and getting to your meeting place during a fire.

Second place went to Olivia Detato, who focused her poster on checking your door for heat before opening it.

Third place went to Javae McCown, who made a poster depicting how important it is for the Fire Department to get there quick in times of emergency.

“Helping our children to learn fire safety is one of the most important jobs of a firefighter,” said Seymour Fire Chief John Cronin. ​“Rewarding a child for acquiring that knowledge helps to commit the fire safety message to memory, a simple ride on a fire truck can mean the world to a child hopefully creating a memory they will never forget.”

“Hopefully today did just that,” Deputy Fire Marshal Timm Willis said. 

Fire prevention starts in the home and should be practiced by everyone. 

It’s important that you test your smoke alarms monthly and change the batteries every six months. 

Make it a point to practice exit drills in the home and don’t hesitate to answer your children’s questions about fire safety. 

Fire prevention week runs October 5th ‑11th this year and the theme is ​“testing your smoke alarm monthly.” 

If you would like more information on fire prevention please call the Seymour Fire Marshal’s Office at (203) 881‑5010.

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