Anyone who has been to French Memorial Park or who has driven north on Route 8 through Seymour in the past few weeks may have noticed a flurry of activity there.
Due to a generous donation from Stanley and Phyllis Jachimowski, French Park is the home of a new 80-foot flagpole overlooking Route 8.
This pole will support at 20-by-30-foot flag that will be illuminated by six built-in, top-mounted LED lights.
French Park is the home to Veterans’ Grove, a series of monuments paying tribute to the brave men and women of Seymour who have served their country in overseas conflicts. While there have long been monuments dedicated to the veterans and those who gave their lives in conflicts dating back to the Civil War, the veterans of recent conflicts had not been represented.
That is, until an effort spearheaded by Stanley Jachimowski to ensure that these veterans got the recognition they deserve.
The Town purchased two new monuments that will match the existing ones in Veterans’ Grove. The monuments and flagpoles will be illuminated at night thanks to lighting donated by the Jachimowskis. Now, Veterans’ Grove will be able to proudly display the American flag daily.
To commemorate these improvements, the Town of Seymour will be hosting a dedication event on Friday, May 29 at 7 p.m. at French Park to celebrate these improvements and to thank those responsible.
The American Legion will be there to post the colors and a number of local dignitaries are expected to be in attendance.
“We cannot thank Stan Jachimowski enough for his generous contributions,” First Selectman Kurt Miller said. “French Park is truly a gem and these improvements really add a lot to the area and help bring more recognition to the veterans of Seymour.”