Seymour Receives $375,000 For Downtown Revitalization

The trees to be replacedSeymour is one of 13 towns in Connecticut receiving money from the Main Street Investment Fund,” town officials announced Wednesday.

We’re thrilled to hear that the State is recognizing and rewarding our efforts,” Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller said in a prepared statement.

Gov. Dannel Malloy’s office announced this week Seymour will receive $375,000.

Seymour will use the money to install brick sidewalks downtown in order to match existing walkways, and to replace trees that were uprooting sidewalks.

The town says the work will increase accessibility and ADA compliance.”

Seymour will also use the money to retrofit existing light fixtures in the downtown area to high-efficiency LED lamps, which will better illuminate the area and can save the town as
much as 77 percent of its $1,200 monthly bill downtown, according to a press release from the town.

The Main Street Investment Fund provides financial incentives to eligible municipalities as well as owners of commercial private properties for expenditures that directly support and enhance a qualified project. Awards are no more than $500,000 and can be used for expenses such as building improvements, signage, lighting, and streetscape improvements.

The news comes after the Connecticut Main Street Center recognized Seymour with its 2014 Renewed Commitment to Main Street” Award. 

We’re really excited to move forward with these projects to continue improving downtown Seymour and draw visitors to all the great businesses and attractions,” Miller said.

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