Seymour Students Attend Politics Forum At SCSU

CONTRIBUTEDPictured are Seymour High School students pausing for a moment outside the Grand Ballroom of Southern Connecticut State University’s Michael J. Adanti Student Center, where a forum was conducted Monday (Oct. 6) about the 2014 midterm and gubernatorial elections.

The program reviewed polling data, television advertising and historical trends to examine the fight for control of Congress and the campaigns for Connecticut’s most hotly contested elections.

The event, Election 2014: Polls, Pundits and Popcorn,” featured Jennifer Dineen, director of the University of Connecticut poll, Laura Baum, project director of the Wesleyan Media Project, as well as Art Paulson, chairman of the SCSU Political Science Department; Gary Rose, chairman of the Sacred Heart University Department of Government and Political Science, and Scott McLean, professor of political science at Quinnipiac University. 

Christine Stuart, editor of CTNewsJunkie, served as moderator.

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