Seymour Budget Vote Today

The proposed Seymour town and school budgets go to voters Thursday, May 10.

The Seymour Community Center at 20 Pine St. is the town’s lone polling place for this budget vote.

Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Seymour Navel Gazing’

Click the play button above to watch a 49-minute video interview with Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller, recorded live Tuesday as a special Navel Gazing” episode.

The Navel Gazing” podcast is sponsored by

In the video, Miller reviews the town budget and touches briefly upon the school budget before talking about economic development in town.

Both Miller, who is a Republican, and Stephan Behuniak, a Democrat on the Board of Selectmen, are urging people to vote yes” on the spending plans Thursday.

Behuniak talked about the budgets during a livestream interview with The Valley Indy May 2. That video is posted at the bottom of this article.


The school district’s $33.4 million budget is an increase of just over 1 percent. The town’s $22.8 million budget is decreasing about 2 percent, Miller said.

The combined budget — that is, the school and town budgets taken as a whole — is about $50,000 less than the current combined budget.

Meanwhile, the town’s grand list has increased about $6 million.

The budget will keep the mill rate as is, according to Miller.

However, if the value of your property increased from revaluation, keep in mind the increased assessment could mean you’ll be paying more in taxes than you did last summer.

To determine what the budget means to your bank account:

1. Obtain the most current appraised value of your home.

2. Multiply the appraised value of your home by 0.70 (or 70 percent) to determine its assessed value

3. Multiply your home’s assessed value by 0.036 (the proposed mil rate) to determine the amount of taxes you will pay.

This post continues after a word from our podcast sponsor.

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Click this link to read or download a copy of the town budget.

Click this link for budget information from the Town of Seymour website.

Click this link for information on the school budget from the school district’s website.

In Seymour, voters weigh in separately on the town and school budgets. One could be approved, and the other could be rejected.

The wording on the ballot will look like this:

a. Shall the Town General Government Budget, as recommended by the Board of Finance, of $22,813,183 for the fiscal year 2018 – 2019 be adopted?

Yes” or No”

b. Shall the Board of Education Budget, as recommended by the Board of Finance, of $33,379,892 for the Town of Seymour for the fiscal year 2018 – 2019 be adopted?

Yes” or No”

Here is a sample ballot, courtesy of the Seymour Registrar’s Office:

Seymour Referendum Ballot May 10 2018 by The Valley Indy on Scribd

And here is The Valley Indy interview during which Selectman Behuniak shares his thoughts on the budget and related Seymour issues.

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