Seymour First Selectman W. Kurt Miller announced that a major road reconstruction project has been substantially completed as of Nov. 21.
The Rimmon Street rehabilitation project was funded with assistance from the NVCOG, CT Department of Transportation, FHWA and Town of Seymour finances.
The overall construction cost was $2,550,010.
The work started in 2017.
H.I. Stone & Son of Southbury was the lowest qualified bidder for the job.
The work included full depth pavement reconstruction, along with new sidewalks and ADA improvements.
The storm water system for the street was also upgraded, along with new water pipes and gas lines installed by Aquarion Water and Eversource.
First Selectman Miller thanked Rick Dunne and his NVCOG staff for obtaining the grant and the CTDOT District 4 staff for assistance during construction. The First Selectman also acknowledged the design firm of DeCarlo & Doll for assistance with survey, design, permitting and construction administration and inspection services throughout the project.
The contractor completed the improvements within the contract time, Miller noted.
The First Selectman thanked residents and motorists for putting up with any construction headaches.
“Now we have the winter to look forward to with a vastly improved infrastructure,” Miller said.
Information from a Town of Seymour press release.