Shelton Fall Leaf Collection Details

The First CITYWIDE CURBSIDE COLLECTION of bagged leaves will begin on Tuesday, Nov. 12 and end on Monday, Nov. 18.

The Last CITYWIDE CURBSIDE COLLECTION of bagged leaves will be begin on
Monday, Dec. 2 and end on Friday, Dec. 6. 

  • Only brown paper biodegradable bags will be picked up.
  • Bagged leaves should be placed at the curbside on the regular trash collection day. Please be sure to keep leaf bags apart from your regular trash.
  • Bags should only contain leaves and not grass clippings, sticks, rocks etc. Bags containing these items will not be accepted and will be left at curb.
  • In the event of a snowstorm, leaf bags should be left out at the curbside. They will be collected as soon as possible.

During the fall season of 2013, the COMPOST SITE on Willoughby Road next to Elizabeth Shelton School will be open as follows:

Starting Oct. 28 through Dec. 7: 

  • Monday thru Friday open 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Saturdays open 7 a.m. to noon 
    Closed Nov. 11, Veterans Day, Nov. 28, Thanksgiving

Anyone bringing leaves to the Compost Site in containers other than biodegradable paper bags must remove non-conforming container from the site.

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