Shelton Fire Department Calls For Service



On 3/17/15 at 7:54 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to #579 Howe Avenue for a carbon monoxide alarm sounding.

On 3/17/25 at 1:17 pm the Huntington Co. #3 responded to an automatic fire alarm activated at #1 Trap Falls Road.

On 3/17/25 at 3:27 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to #62 Wakelee Street for a carbon monoxide alarm sounding.

On 3/17/25 at 8:49 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to an odor investigation at #32 Kneen Street.

On 3/17/25 at 10:55 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to an odor of gas inside #500 Howe Avenue.

On 3/18/25 at 9:45 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm activated at #24 Waverly Terrace.

On 3/18/25 at 12:40 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to a wire down in the road on Oronoque Trail.

On 3/18/25 at 5:03 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to #23 Grove Street for a carbon monoxide alarm sounding.

On 3/18/25 at 9:08 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to a fire alarm activated at the Ritrovo Restaurant #376 River Road. There was no fire.

On 3/19/25 at 5:14 pm the White Hills Co. #5 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded to a fire alarm activated at #95 Longfellow Road. There was no fire.

On 3/19/25 at 8:21 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to a fire alarm activated at #230 Walnut Tree Hill Road.

On 3/19/25 at 11:32 pm the White Hills Co. #5 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded to a fire alarm activated at #95 Longfellow Road. There was no fire.

On 3/20/25 at 8:31 am the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #128 Okenuck Way for an electrical hazard, tree and or power lines or communication lines down.

On 3/20/25 at 6:04 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to a motor vehicle accident in the area of #469 Howe Avenue.

On 3/20/25 at 6:57 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to an automatic fire alarm activated at #420 Coram Avenue.

On 3/21/25 at 8:00 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to #500 Howe Avenue to assist EMS.

On 3/21/25 at 11:30 am the Huntington Co. #3 responded to #67 Cali Drive for an electrical hazard, tree and or power lines or communication lines down.

On 3/21/25 at 12:38 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to a motor vehicle accident in the area of Meadow Street and Maple Avenue.

On 3/22/25 at 11:28 am the Huntington Co. #3 responded to #51 Tuckahoe Drive for an illegal open burning.

On 3/22/25 at :09 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to a motor vehicle accident on Isinglass Road near Tory Lane.

On burning 3/22/25 at 11:28 am the Huntington Co. #3 responded to an open burning at #51 Tuckahoe Drive.

On 3/22/25 at 12:23 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to a brush fire at #49 Mohegan Road.

On 3/22/25 at 2:16 pm the Huntington Co. #3 responded to #2 Grace Lane for an activated carbon monoxide alarm.

On 3/22/25 at 3:05 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to a motor vehicle fire on route 8 north bound between exits 9 and 10.

On 3/22/25 at 5:01 pm the Huntington Co. #3 responded to an open burning at #51 Tuckahoe Drive.

On 3/22/25 at 5:30 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to an automatic fire alarm activated at #757 Long Hill Avenue. There was no fire.

On 3/22/25 at 5:59 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to a brush fire on Oliver Terrace.

On 3/22/25 at 8:17 pm the White Hills Co. #5 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to an automatic fire alarm activated at #30 Woodsend Avenue. There was no fire.

On 3/23/25 at 4:52 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to a fire alarm activated at #19 Lazy Brook Road. There was no fire.

On 3/23/25 at 7:22 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to a motor vehicle accident in the area of Perry Hill Road and Sylvesters Way.

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