Shelton Firefighters Surpass Goal In Cancer Fundraiser

For the second straight year, Shelton firefighters smashed the goal they set for a head-shaving fundraiser for cancer research.

Last year they set out to raise $3,000 — and ended up taking in $7,477.

This year they were a bit more ambitious, with a $10,000 goal.

The final tally from the event, which was held Saturday? More than 13 grand.

We finally have a total amount and we raised $13,673 for childhood cancer research,” Mark Starzecki, a firefighter from Huntington Fire Co. 3 who organized the event, said Thursday.

And donations can still be made through the event’s website at the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

Dozens milled about Downtown Danny O’s on Howe Avenue Saturday for the fundraiser.

Hairdressers from Panache Hair Design did the clipping.

At the events, volunteers get their heads shaved to show solidarity for kids undergoing treatment for cancer and raise money for childhood cancer research.

The organization began in 2000 when a group of reinsurance executives turned a St. Patrick’s Day party into a head-shaving fundraiser and raised over $104,000.

The group now awards more childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the U.S. government.

More pictures below.

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