Shelton Officer Interrupts Armed Robbery

A Shelton police officer interrupted an armed robbery at Cumberland Farms at 819 River Road Wednesday.

According to a statement from police, Officer Philip Norris pulled into Cumberland Farms at about 1:15 a.m. and was flagged down by customers who told him a man with a gun was inside robbing the store.

Norris saw a man — identified as Valentine Rodriguez, 32, of Bridgeport — leave the store, carrying something in his hand,” police said.

Rodriguez took off running after Norris told him to stop.

Norris called for backup and ran after the suspect.

Emergency radio transmissions stated the suspect took a shot” at the officer. Police haven’t confirmed the report. The statement from police said Norris heard a gunshot.” 

It prompted police to swarm the area.

Officer David Eldridge found Rodriguez hiding in the woods, police said, but Rodriguez wouldn’t listen to the officer’s commands.

The suspect was eventually handcuffed and placed under arrest,” police said.

Police found a gun in the woods. The weapon had been reported stolen.

Norris sustained minor injuries in the pursuit. He was treated and released from an unspecified hospital.

Rodriguez was charged with first-degree robbery, criminal possession of a firearm, unlawful discharge of a firearm, interfering with an officer and sixth-degree larceny.

He also had a warrant for his arrest for failing to appear in court to answer previous criminal charges.

Shelton police thanked state police, West Haven and Stratford police for their assistance. 

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