Shelton Schools Forum Wednesday Morning

On Wednesday (Jan. 9) from 8:30 to 10 a.m., the Shelton Public Schools will host, The State of Education and the Role of Partnerships,” at the Building 3 Auditorium in the Scinto Towers in Shelton.

Refreshments will be provided for participants by Sodexo, the Shelton schools’ partner in its school lunch program.

The presentation will provide an overview of the state of education for the Shelton Public School System — how it is currently doing, how it compares, and where it is heading in the future.

Our vision of the future is challenging and to some degree uncharted,” said Superintendent of Schools Freeman Burr. Critical to our success moving forward is our ability to create partnerships across the broad spectrum of available resources in the greater Shelton community. To that end, we are inviting a cross-section of individuals — parent groups, business people, not-for-profits, government officials and members of the education community — to learn how we can continue to work together to provide each and every student with high quality programs that foster individual skills, knowledge, and character.”

For more information, please contact Valerie Knight-Di Gangi, at 203 – 924-1023, ext. 336, or

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