I would like to tell you how Monica Tujak Brill has impressed me with so many financial and budgetary qualifications to be the right person to help our state get back on track.
Being an elected official on the City of Shelton’s Bi-Partisan Board of Apportionment and Taxation I see how important it is to have a group of Board members comprised of accountants, CPAs, an attorney, mothers and fathers concerned about their children’s education and our seniors. These board members are all concerned about making the City of Shelton financially responsible with low taxes, a good school system and keeping a close watch for the seniors of our city without cutting needed services.
When I first met Monica and we talked she let me know her credentials as a CPA for 30 years where she was responsible for balancing the books for large corporations. I told her that I was a senior and she immediately informed me that it is very important that she watch to control healthcare and prescription costs. She wants to be an advocate for the elders and seniors.
I did not know that she was a single mother raising three daughter’s and it did impress me how hard she had to work to get to this point that she wants to give back now. She is working very hard knocking on doors in Shelton, Seymour, Stratford and Monroe listening to the concerns of the voters.
I know we can feel good about Monica Tujak Brill representing us in the 21st district as State Senator in Hartford. I hope you can join me in supporting Monica Tujak Brill. Look for her name on Row A election day November 6th.
Most important get out and VOTE!
The writer is a member of Shelton’s Board of Apportionment and Taxation.
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