contributed Alfred Meadows, center, receives the President’s Gold Volunteer Service Award from Brigadier General Trainor, on left, and Brigadier General J. T. Thomas III on right.
The Corporation for National and Community Service presented Al with the President’s Gold Volunteer Service Award that included a congratulatory letter from President Obama and a lapel pin with the White House insignia.
He was also presented a Certificate of Appreciation and a “West Point Volunteer Recognition” Medallion from West Point Brigadier General J. T. Thomas III for his volunteer efforts in creating and coordinating Operation Gift Cards for our wounded troops.
Seventy-one organizations have co-sponsored the 120 visits to the Walter Reed National Military Medical hospital in Bethesda, MD while delivering over $956,050 in post exchange gift cards and corporate donations to the wounded troops and their families.
Twenty Shelton residents have served as representatives of many of the 71 co-sponsoring organizations and therefore have participated in the two-day trip to visit the wounded troops.
They are: Chris Ackley, Fred Benham, Walt Bills, Angel Cadena, Mike Clavorino, Mary Ellen Cortillini, Lauren Cust, Frank DeAngelo, Tom Evans, Dennis Guerricci, Ken Hagen, Hank Kormornick, Chet Luba, Al Meadows, Nancy Meadows, Richard Norko, April Paschos, Dennis Salzer, Bernice Scott, and Mark Scott.
The Connecticut and Rhode Island Red Cross produced the 3‑minute video below describing Operation Gift Cards.
Click here for Operation Gift Cards’ Facebook page.
For additional information about Operation Gift Cards contact