The bridge between downtown Derby and Shelton will be getting a face lift, part to make it more friendly for bicycles and pedestrians.
The state bonding commission authorized $2 million for the project, according to a press release from House Republican leader Themis Klarides, state Rep. Jason Perillo and state Rep. Ben McGorty.
Klarides represents Derby, Perillo and McGorty represent Shelton.
The $2 million grant goes to the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments and will go toward resurfacing the bridge, installing new lights, along with the addition of bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
The bridge spans the Housatonic River, connecting Route 34/Main Street in Derby to Howe Avenue /Route 110 in Shelton.
On the Derby side of the bridge, the city is waiting for the state to start the long-anticipated Route 34 widening project.
“By creating greater accessibility on this bridge for foot and bike traffic we are expanding access to our local shops and restaurants. Having a viable conduit between the two of them will vastly improve economic development in both towns,” according to a statement from McGorty.
The bridge rehab, plus an improved Route 34, will (hopefully) make it easier to bike or walk to the Metro-North train station in Derby.
“This span is vital to the entire region for both commuters and for economic expansion,” Klarides said in a prepared statement. “Thousands of motorists rely on this bridge to get back and forth to work and to home. We appreciate the investment in this project.”
The bridge was built in 1918 and has been looking its age, especially in contract to the residential development that has taken over the river front in downtown Shelton.
“This work will help restore the bridge to its original historic feel and will complement in-process redevelopment efforts in Shelton,” Perillo said in a prepared statement.
Perillo’s statement went on to thank Rick Dunne, executive director of the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments and Jim Ryan, president of the Shelton Economic Development Corporation for their assistance with the project.
The bridge work is scheduled to start in 2017.