THE BEST (and worst) OF 2010 (Part II)

Here we go with part two or two! Click here for part one.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Criteria: Be Markanthony Izzo.

Derby’s Markanthony Izzo: We always know something good is happening in Derby thanks to the tireless efforts of Markanthony Izzo.

His efforts allow Valley media to cover news that would otherwise slip through the cracks. He takes a mean photo, as this series of the Sterling Opera House proves.

Runner up: Seymour’s Frank Loda. Yes, Loda’s political opponents are not fans. But, thanks to Loda’s dedication and his video camera, the thousands of Seymour residents who do not come to Town Hall to watch a Selectmen meeting can do so. This year the Valley Indy started embedding Loda’s videos on the site as a public service. 

Criteria: Staffers Jodie and Eugene spend hours on something cool, then hide under their desks in embarrassment.

We XtraNormal’ reader comments: You know the website that allows you to create creepy cartoons talking in robot voice? 

Well, the Valley Indy was way ahead of that unfunny trend! 

Way back in September, we posted a weird little story called We Turn Readers Into Robots.” 

We created an XtraNormal movie using reader comments. We thought it would become a regular feature — until just 73 people read the story. 

Just 37 people watched the video. 


Criteria: You click on a story and cringe.
Eugene Driscoll, Derby Truck Crash:

The pictures here are proof that Driscoll had no clue how to adjust the settings on his wife’s super-fancy-overly complicated camera. 

Pics look a bit washed out, no? 

Luckily, these photos were viewed just 12,000 times. 



Criteria: A darn good video

Tessa Mozdzer, Weenie Wagon Is Back:” The fate of Carolyn Schumacher’s hot dog stand was very much in question after a fire destroyed the Housatonic Wire building. Mozdzer’s video shows that concern — and gives offers a glimpse at why we love the Valley. Article continues after video. 


Criteria: Self explanatory.

Shelton horse assault: There’s not much to be said about the issue, other than the charges are still accusations at this point.

Runner up: Oxford Center School vandalism: Dropping off a toilet and aiming the prank at an Oxford school board member isn’t just juvenile, creepy, criminal and stupid — it’s depressing, assuming the culprit has some level of involvement in town politics. 


Criteria: Be the man.

Derby’s Daniel Waleski: If every resident in the Valley was as civic-minded as Mr. Daniel Waleski, newspapers would still be a gold mine, government would be scandal-free and there would be a robust exchange of ideas on the local level. Waleski, when he speaks on Derby matters, rises to the level of orator. And the man is never political. Article continues after the video.
Unfortunately, Waleski has yet to embrace the digital news revolution. That is how much we appreciate Waleski — he doesn’t even read The Valley Indy, but he’s The Valley Indy Reader of the Year!


Criteria: Government sees an issue, tackles the issues, solves the issue.

Seymour Police: Look, the economy stinks. There’s a possibility things may get worse before they get better. Watch this 60 Minutes’ report for proof. Taxpayers want government to stop spending. We can’t afford it. So, when the Seymour Police Department needed to raise cash to fund its canine unit, they did things differently. Article continues after the video.

The department teamed with the private sector and went on a public relations blitz (hat tip to local media). Within a few weeks, they exceeded their fund-raising goal. Bravo.


Criteria: Government identifies a problem, tackles the problem, then sends it through a never-ending series of committees and meetings. Someone will probably mention something about the need for the proper procedure” and/or process” in place.

Shelton Government: City officials have been trying to write an ethics ordinance for years. Meanwhile, one developer and the city’s building official have admitted lying to a grand jury investigating corruption allegations inside Shelton government. Another developer was convicted in a federal corruption trial. And federal investigators say their probe is still ongoing. Yet Shelton still hasn’t dealt with the ethics ordinance. Sure, the issue isn’t black and white — but ARE YOU KIDDING?


Criteria: Best blog, other than this one.

NVL Football: There are many informative blogs in the Valley — but none hold a candle to the level of involvement the NVL Blog sees on a daily basis. The blog — published by Brian Baretto and Kyle Summer — taps directly into the veins of Valley football fans. 

The two moderators also do a good job of keeping the comment section on the up and up. Nice to see — because at the end of the day, high school football players are KIDS playing a game. No need, at all, to hurl insults.

Honorable mention: Momotics, a blog about all things motherhood written by Danielle Elwood of Shelton, is a great resource for expecting moms — especially first-time moms. You’re not alone, moms-to-be!


Criteria: Can I find what I’m looking for?

Oxford: Meeting minutes. Agendas. Always updated. Almost always on time. Plus, go to the individual commission, find a plethora of documents related to what a particular commission is talking about. Simple layout, easy to use. Want info on that holiday photo contest? You can get that, too! Head and shoulders above any other municipal website in the lower Valley.

COMING NEXT WEEK: A countdown of the top ten stories of the year. Plus: Photos of the year, most popular videos and a list of our most read stories of 2010. 

In other words, we’re on Christmas vacation until Jan. 3!

We’re starting a newsletter. Click here to sign up!