A truck used to carry wooden forms for pouring foundations rolled onto its side just off of Bridgeport Avenue Thursday morning, and stayed there for about two hours until being set right.
There were no injuries. The accident was first reported about 8:30 a.m. Thursday.
The mishap took place near the south end of Access Road, near its intersection with Bridgeport Avenue, just prior to the entrance to Wal-Mart.
The truck was pulling out of a driveway onto the road when a boom extending from its body got caught in wires overhead, a police officer said at the scene.
The truck, from Shelton-based A & A Foundations, then rolled onto its side.
A company official at the scene that the truck’s driver and two other employees were able to get out of the vehicle unscathed, and that he was thankful there were no injuries.
A United Illuminating crew was sent to the scene to check the wires, but there were no power outages reported.
As fire and police vehicles blocked the road, workers from Bud’s Towing got to work righting the truck using two wreckers.
Click the play button on the video above to see the truck put back on its right side.
“We took the forms out first to make it easier for us to flip it over on its side,” Nuno Pereira Jr., from Bud’s Towing, explained.
They also dumped absorbent on the road near the front of the vehicle to soak up any fluids that would come out.
Then they attached straps from separate wreckers to the front and rear of the truck.
The wrecker with a strap attached to the front of the truck kept the vehicle stable, Pereira said, while the operator of the other wrecker winched the truck free.
By just after 10:30 a.m. the truck was back on its tires and ready to be towed away.
Click the play button on the slideshow below to see pictures from the incident.