But Seymour voters are also being asked whether they support a number of structural changes to local government.
The questions on Tuesday’s ballot were birthed from a yearlong process undertaken by the Seymour Charter Revision Commission. Be sure to flip your ballot to answer all questions.
Click this link for sample ballots.
Also, please click play to listen to Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller walk listeners through the charter questions in a podcast recorded last month.
The podcast is sponsored by ValleyGivesBack.org.
Click this link to find your polling place. Voting is scheduled from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday.
Click here for voting info from the town.
Here are the questions Seymour voters will see on the ballot:
1. Shall the Town Charter be amended to change the following:
1) specify the method of appointment of Deputy Registrar of Voters
2) reduce the size of the Board of Library Directors from seven to five
3) limit the number of members for all appointed boards to five members
4) provide for legal notices to be posted on the Town website
5) elimination of the positions of Captain and Lieutenant in the Police Department and
6) increase the amount of special appropriation requiring a Town Meeting to $100,000.?
2. Shall the Town Charter be amended to replace the elected Board of Planning & Zoning with an appointed Planning & Zoning Commission?
3. Shall the Town Charter be amended to increase the term of the First Selectmen from two to four years and to set term limits for the First Selectman?
4. Shall the Town Charter be amended to change the budget process, including the elimination of the Annual Town Meeting so that the budget will go directly to referendum?
5. Shall the Town Charter be amended to combine the Town and Board of Education vote at the referendum?
6. Shall the Town Charter be amended to correct grammar, spelling, terminology, statutory references, outdated provisions of the Town Charter, renumber sections, and make other and technical changes as recommended by the Charter Revision Commission?
7. Shall the Board of Selectmen undertake a study regarding the establishment of a Town Manager form of government? *
8. Shall the Town Charter be amended to set term limits for all elected boards? *
* In the podcast, Miller says these two questions are non-binding, meaning they are meant to gauge the public’s opinion.
This podcast is sponsored by ValleyGivesBack.org.