Video: Bear Continues Its Tour Of Shelton

A bear that has been spotted many times this week continued its tour of the best-tasting bird feeders in Shelton Friday.

Residents are reminded to take down any bird feeders, by the way.

Lisa Czujak sent along this video her mom took at her residence in Shelton by Constitution Boulevard.

The bear was first spotted at 2 p.m. Friday.

Her mom called police, who helped her put away bird feeders.

Police shooed the bear away, but warned her that it would probably come back to eat what was left on the ground.

“Sure enough, it did,” Lisa said in a message to the Valley Indy.

The video was shot about 3:30 p.m.

More Shelton bear links:

Shelton Trails & Conservation on Facebook

Shelton Herald

DEEP Black Bear Fact Sheet

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